Just finished my latest blog post
It's been a (very very) long time... does anyone here even remember me? Anyway... I've been working tirelessly on my app which uses AI (not with GPT btw) to optimize websites for SEO and accessibility. I'm 99% done with the diagnosis tool and I thought I'd add this to my scrapbook to motivate me to finish it by the end of the week--this will keep me accountable. Also, who else has a transformer or RNN obsession? ALSO, do you have any tips on how I can improve the UI?
I've been meaning to do this for a while, and now that it's the summer... it's time to publish some APIs! I heard about this platform called RapidAPI where you can publish an API and establish various plans... like a free plan, pro plan, etc. This summer I've decided to start building useful APIs and publish them on this platform. All of my APIs will have a free version and a paid version and my goal is to find out if this is truly a place for developers to make money or if it's a saturated market (or if the server hosting fees cost more than the revenue πŸ˜…) I'll make a new scrapbook post at the end of the summer to report on the success or failure of the APIs I end up publishing and then offer my advice if I have any. rapidapi.com/lins-technologies-lins-technologies-default/api/site-statistics-and-info-crawl
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It's been a while since I've programmed... so I decided to make this nice little program! It gives you the partial derivative with respect to any argument of a multidimensional function using the limit definition of a partial derivative.
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Club Rush tomorrow!!
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Just received my first hackathon prize (of value) today! From OneHacks!!! A packed Arduino kit and some merch.
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Just started leaning APL, it's one of the few array-oriented programming languages.
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I'm most proud of my banana plants 🍌
Just finished a new machine learning video! This one is about momentum optimization for gradient descent. youtu.be/WNBu7CWaEDE
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First iteration of my Ai Orpheus Leap car... it stars off with random movements and after each iteration, records its reward and does some gradient ascent magic to maximize it's distance.
Finished a reinforcement learning project today, teaching a bot to move forward as much as possible. Here's a video of it working: youtu.be/pDtsjiIpoH4
Just finished up the skip-gram video in my machine learning video series! Be sure to check it out if you ever wanted to know how language models such as GPT-3, Bert, and others represent words! youtu.be/jKUwzgzdz3U
Added a video on softmax normalization to my machine learning series. Take a listen if this interests you! youtu.be/rKgqysLGNLo
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I've been working on these machine learning slides for quite some time... I'll be recording a few videos soon of me going over the concepts. I hope to cover the basics, gradient decent, and word vector + training them with thr skip-gram model. I'll let you guys know when I publish!
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The past few weeks i've been programming a few math physics simulations in C! It's been fun to see the theory come alive! So far I've made simulations for: damped harmonic motion, a physics force table, 3D gradient decent, elastic collisions πŸ’₯, & gravitational acceleration. I'll be posting the executables at simulations.johnlins.com soon if you'd like to experiment with them!
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Sigmoid Hacks had the pleasure of hosting a workshop on casual inference & its application in AI by Mr. Mueller (An AI researcher at UCLA)
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Our first two workshops @ Sigmoid Hacks were successful! Shout-out to @damicupcake for leading the advanced theory workshop!
johnlins.com I finally got my own domain and website! I've been meaning to do this for some time, but I finally got around to it. I immediately signed up for the Hack Club web ring. I even got my own email! hello@johnlins.com so feel free to say hello 😎
Just finished my hackathon project "NutriStatusAI" which helps users manage their daily nutrients with the help of AI.
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Stickers Came!
My Hack Club Bank card just cameπŸŽ‰
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My Banana Plant Update
Just moved my banana plants indoors before it gets cold.
Sigmoid Hacks
Just made my first pull request to Hack Club [Neural Network From Scratch Workshop]
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Just Started My First Workshop!