@in the process of getting thru my shopping list :orpheushouse:@shopping list item: survive physics :duck-duck-dino-orpheus:@hoping to add a grid of photos here to this apple watch ui. familiarizing myself with this thing because i copied it straight from codepen@reworked my extension to use socketio to stream statusupdates@Getting the hang of this design thing@website redesign??!?!? can someone give me tips on blob placement i suck at this@@Just found a Qatarian Riyal casually chilling in my school today@gas laws I'm so sleepy@new blog post (dev.to/shubhampatilsd/removing-timezones-from-dates-in-javascript-46ah)@Thinking about getting one of these in summer or October@trying out something called clerk for authentication! its pretty nifty, but i feel a little bad about using a prebuilt thing for auth (especially the watermark). eh, whatever it takes to built it faster@Let's gooooooooo@Great way to start my day@Turning in my English essay rn π΅βπ«@The goods box is filling up. Too much swag@Did my part at lancerhacks πͺ@@Boba at lancerhacks@Lancerhacks opening ceremony@this is a certified W. now i just need to figure out how to win in the final round@Hess has a law and I don't care. Chemistry strikes again@Campaign here we go π@discovered tally.so integration with notion! now i can have multiple people accessing the data from the form without paying for tally's premium plan!@Took a photo today@Storebucks work day on tripley.app@THE FILE IS 27MB EXPORTED FROM FIGMA@progress is being made on the poster@Nescafe.@I've just given up on quality notes XD. First three questions are ChatGPTed@Random child from my school spinning my water bottle (dw he consented to this photo)@oh boy here we go trying to get president of my grade. i made an instagram for this as well@I despise this math class@you can add to your packing lists in tripley now@DHH is teaching me ruby on rails@At the theater to watch Pathaan :)@Got this kinda boba today. Biggest mistake of my life@life is perfectly fine! how about you?@Trying out my dads kindle today (after pirating a book)@Simon Sinek's book called Start With Why is actually so helpful. I've learned how to make the correct image of a company, and I might use some of this for Tripley!@i am proud of the confirmation page for the Tripley waitlist. tally.so is actually SO AMAZING! (btw join waitlist tripley.app)@Screen is a bit broken, but all my parents old songs and me and my brothers shoddy home videos are still alive on this iPod Nano!@Got a 24 pack of this@Procrastinated on smtn now I'm waking up early@probably should not have procrastinated on those notes for the history tests. i have like 8 more pages left@Best fruit snacks flavor ong fr fr no cap this is straight bussin@linear is actually pretty cool im using it for a project. it keeps me on track@Picked up some of this today. Can't find the leaves that we had after the move@i guess im becoming a pilot cuz guests are over and im NOT leaving my room@something is in the making rn@Rain@Writing some questions for my schools CS club competition@I really need to fix my room@we're reading this in entrepreneurship! (stock photo because it's a class set and we cant use our phones)@ITS HERE@Coffee! Got some high quality beans and a grinder yesterday!@Done with DECA. Got two pins for being a finalist in some categories@And so the coffee trials begin@ITS A WALL FULL OF KEYCAPS!!! AAAAAAA@At DECA :)@Working on documentation for tripley.app! Using the country structure that @sampoder introduced during CodeDay Labs@OMG IT'S LIVE! VSLACKSTATUS IS LIVE! im gonna do a formal ship later today so stay tuned i guess?@got some UI planning stuff done for Tripley (tripley.app) today. gonna spend some time tmrw as well@Tickets for Mumbai are booked! Going in April for my grandpa's birthday!@Played this with guests today (after like 4 years)@finally getting around to that winter hardware PR@Epoch BA jank drone shot!@Blahaj needs hot choccy milk #blahaj-memes@Hydrated Blahaj #blahaj-memes@Here at epoch-ba much fun@working on my school's cs club website! it's coming along really well!@Toured the venue (Circuit Launch) for #epoch-ba with @kaidevrim today! Found a Sprig there I have no clue why. Also we got Blahaj and some other stuff from IKEA for the event!@Gonna take some photos later today (hopefully the sun doesn't set)@working on a practice exam for DECA (a business competition hard to explain just go to deca.org to learn more)!@back to working on my travel app. react native is still a pain in the butt for me :nooo:@made a vscode extension! it's going to be a status updater (e.g. editing one.js in adventofcode_2022)@Movers are coming in an hour@I'm returning a UHaul with my dad! We moved some plants and desks to our new house. The movers are coming tmrw!@Finals are finally done. Reward boba that I got myself! :poggers:@Happy holidays!@Day 6/10 for #10-days-in-public! Weβre recording #orpheus-show rn - come join us in the zoom live!@The sun is setting at Unite Hacks and we are mostly done with our project
@maggie and i are hard at work@Wearing the beloved Doe Bay beanie from Toorcamp@A wild @SidharthBhatt-U03MZMSS86A@Man what the hell everyone took the white octocat@Discord replied to my venue search email!@Went to SF with @kaidevrim (to search/confirm some CodeDay venues) and freeloaded off of Muni! Unfortunately, we came back with more bad news than we went with@Signing out at 1am after studying; Sig figs suck@notetaking@yay nixos installed@We found a geocache@blog with deta!@another scrapbook post! Website v2.5 started! (v1 was incomplete, shubhampatil.dev is v2, so ig this is a small upgrade)!@got some auth working for my project! Firebase Auth is sooooooo nice!