@added some command syntax highlight to my zsh prompt!@added some badges to my repo, and I seem to have got about 2.9k total downloads! :yay:@Designed a custom help command for my upcoming CLI tool. I utilised a Python package called pyboxen (a python port of the popular npm package boxen) which I previously made and I think it looks good!@Designed a custom help command for my upcoming CLI tool. I utilised a Python package called pyboxen (a python port of the popular npm package boxen) which I previously made and I think it looks good!@Funniest README I have ever made@Funniest README I have ever made@Back to developing CLI tools. This time, I made a file watcher for Python files, and wow, it was easier than I thought it would be and the result came out super clean! Pretty hyped to ship this one! :python:@so jobless that im testing out speed of help commands of diiferent languages@Contributed my first issue to Bun!@Today I tested out some well-known JS CLI argument parsers to see how fast they would run on the latest app I'm building@Haven't made a Scrapbook post in forever, but I have been learning how to touch type on Typing Club lately@lil shell customization@Published my very first NPM package, feeling great!@Decided to learn some good ol' regex today! Also, did a few practice on it, and I gotta say, it's super fun and useful!@Just crossed 100 stars on GitHub, it's a pretty momentous occasion for me! :githubparrot:@Just finished this really cool game called Lifeline, a sort of a space themed CYOA game. It was just as good as I played it a few years ago, would totally recommend it.@Ah yes, a set of rules I'm totally going to follow@Guess what arrived? 👀@created a personal readme for my github account a week or so ago, also cool stats! :partyparrot:@Done with buttons for my bot, now all I gotta do is tidy up things a lil bit@Been working on a Discord bot (again) which utilises the new ANSI color codes feature in code blocks to replicate a neofetch-like output in Discord. Gonna ship it right after I figure out how to add buttons without causing a mess 🚀@just committed an empty commit now lol :eggsdee:@Finally here after a long break, here's a Vim rice I worked on a few weeks ago (colored comments yay!)@I crossed 100 contributions on :github:@Finally made the switch from pwsh to zsh and I'm liking it so far!@:partyparrot:@some more coding for my bot@UI 3/4: Working on something using Chakra@Fixed some weird code in my old repos today@:e:moment@Did some tinkering around with spicetify-cli which I found out about today!@Experimenting with hikari, a Discord library for Python built on good intentions.@Been working on an app using :vue: + Ionic for the past few days for a school hackaton@haha yes infinite loop :infinity:@On CSS Flexbox@I designed a prototype (of sorts) of my website today. I tried going for the minimalist look, but it looks way too messy rn@take a look at my snake xensia high scores@Eiffel Tower@Made an oversimplified version of the Firefox logo using CSS@Recursion: xkcd#1557@Memories have been unlocked@Just finished creating a few commits to my first repo!@done with aoc day 3!