man I love writing docs
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well i mean its time i posted something for the winter wonderland project heh. So I setup my raspi, setup the printer & ended up rewriting my nextjs template to... rust & handlebars. eh. At least the kiosk index page works now! (as well as the done page, not pictured)
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surrounded by mail
this is getting too real...
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on day 5 of #adventofcode/<#C045S4393CY (STK: 5 babyyy!), I almost got on the top10 for hackclub's leaderboard. paine. Also, studied some typescript generics in regards to objects (since aocd2 really loved to play around with them) relevant song: youtu.be/lDK9QqIzhwk?t=92
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#10-days-in-public :10daysinpublic: D4, I did adventofcode! On our way to christmas now
#10-days-in-public d3 wasn't spent on programming unfortunately, I ended up taking 30 shots for an intro video for camp counselling again lmao
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(copying sam) #10-days-in-public D2/10, STK 2 :10daysinpublic: Finished work on clubs spicification! It now lives in PR#422, waiting to be merged. Special hate to graphql for being so complicated (#sorrynotsorry). Now excuse me, as I go and cry over some wave physics. see you tomorrow!
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#10-days-in-public :10daysinpublic: DAY1/10 - STK1 Day 1 started with sprinkling some love on the new scrapbook clubs page 👀 I've missed working with redwood tbqh. Screenshot starring @clairebookworm
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current mental status for d3:
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day 2: finished moving stuff back to nextjs (sorry redwood!), and now we finally have a working api with 99% less bureaucracy! time to make the frontend for this (aka, read on animation. eugh)
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time to start another streak - I'm finally building the first thing I ever promised to in here - a proposal for an SSO system outside of Slack! Take a peek at the "gate" page, which takes heavy inspiration (ie, copies) apply.hackclub.com
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I spy potentially 100% api coverage? finally? (if you're reading this, go break it with the latest nightly, which releases on 00:00UTC)
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wahoo! passed the 100th commit mark (even tho most are from the original airtable+ repo lol)
hellooo scrapbook! i made a pipeline to release nightly versions for airtable-plusplus every night. finally, my first ci/cd pipeline, runnignon github actions
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Not much done today, just amazed at how much I did in 4 days
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Added some error handing on the iterator, now fixing up the creating function
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Having a silly goofy mood with a++
studying iterators and applying them on airtable-plusplus. Also, hello again scrapbook! Time to restart my streak as I try to rebuild airtable's official wrapper
its now responsive
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wack, club. page is coming along nice
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I... am remaking my website. It's been a long time scrapbook, I'm tryna pick up programming where I left off
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aight another bot started
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