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i spent this weekend at impact hack atlanta (www.impacthackatl.com), my first college hackathon AND my first in-person hackathon! i had so much fun meeting new people at tech and building solutions that intersected tech, policy, and sustainability. i created Partix, a particle visualization tool that uses the OpenWeatherMap API to display live data of particle pollution. build information (including a demo video) is available at www.karolina.mgdubiel.com/particle/build, and a live demo is here: <http://www.karolina.mgdubiel.com/particle|www.karolina.mgdubiel.com/particle> :)) it's mobile and desktop responsive (mobile is a little iffy -- slacked on that bc of the 36 hr time limit), but i learned sooo much about js building this and overall am really proud of the project. 🌿 UPDATE: i won two categories :)) best submission on the "healthy planet + people" track and best submission award from Southface, an atlanta climate action npo :D
made my #100-days shopping list!
made my first 3d art by following the tutorial! this is so fun
as a very non-techy intro to hardware, i found a broken digital film camera in the garage and fiddled around with it for a bit until i got it to work (pretty much opened it up, cleaned everything, put it back together lol). it works great and i got some awesome pictures from skiing! 🎿 gonna post some more pics on #karolina-is-swag too once i process them!
snippet of advent of java day 2 πŸŽ…
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sometimes i feel like i don't actually know how to code (@tetraoxygen can vouch), so i turn to something like advent of code and convince myself that this is the peak of programming knowledge and since i was able to complete it, i'm a coding god. but aoc 2022 is still two weeks away and i'm insecure about my abilities now, so instead i'm redoing aoc 2021 except only using java πŸŽ‰ do i strongly dislike java? yes. do i think it represents the worst of object-oriented languages? at times. have i written a single line of java before this in the past 2 years? no. ~bonus points if you can find a less efficient way to do this.~ day 1! link to the problem is here πŸŽ…
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translated hack club's global site into polish! not sure if i did everything right... lmk @sampoder :))
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been very fortunate to be able to spend the last few weeks in my beautiful home country!! (tons if pics on my instagram if you wanna see!!) i had to miss assemble to be here, and while i'm spending time here, i'm realizing that there is no polish high-school STEM community - no high school hackathons, little to no hack club presence, etc. i'm been thinking about it for a few days, and i'm feeling more and more motivated to host a high school/college summer hackathon here next year. if you'd like to help me navigate the fun fun world of organizing an event 5000km away from where i live, lmk! πŸŽ… anyway! cheers from poland :polandparrot:(some rlly cool scrapbook updates incoming)
gia stickers arrived today! πŸ‘€
designed a sticker πŸ‘€ i love stickers so much oh my god
forcing myself to be productive even though the weather is nice!! set up google workspace on bank and made #karolina-is-swag to document my summer :))
joined bank :)) thank you @abby for pitching it!
Have you ever sat and thought, "Hmm, I wonder how cold and depressing it is in Seattle right now? How much better off am I?" Introducing... Seattle-ometer! Now, you can compare yourself to Seatteites to your heart's content! Just type in a valid US ZIP code and press submit. Brought to you by a rainy day in Seattle with nothing better to do :) seattle.karolinadubiel.repl.co
made a preview for girlsinaerospace.org... definitely should make the text bigger + more centered, but og tags and i have a very love-hate relationship and i'll be procrastinating that fix as long as i possibly can :))
for the last 2 days and continuing until saturday, i'm staying at Peterson Space Force Base in colorado at the Space Force Operations Academy. most of our classes require security clearance and i can't share many photos in uniform inside base facilities, but i can share photos from the hikes we’ve done after hours!
Made www.girlsinaerospace.org in less than 12 hrs from start to finish (counting the 23498 times I changed the design completely). My inspo was tedxwarsaw.org meets hackclub.com, but I kept it simple for now and I'll add more later. This is the first site I've ever made that somehow looks better on mobile?
It's almost the one-year anniversary of the time I got sponsored by Facebook... which is CRAZY to think about. I'm finally back to coding regularly and working on some REALLY exciting projects with my nonprofit (I'm not allowed to talk about them yet, but when I am, y'all will for sure hear about it). I'm trying to get better at celebrating accomplishments instead of just erasing the goal list and pushing forward to the next. So here's my celebration and acknowledgement of the fact that I'm so proud of one-year-ago me and what she accomplished. :swoledoge:
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probably one of my favorite little projects... a snake-based work in progress
my friends and i are starting a new server at 5:00 pm today, so you already know i've been planning my base out extensively
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i've been spending so much of my time running but i've had a great track season so far. i love strava with my heart and soul. trying to get to 369 miles by the end of the year!
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AHHHH I DIDDD ITTTTTTTT :swoledoge: finally finished the first MVP of my 2022 website. i stuck the prototype up on karolina.mgdubiel.com. considering how much creative freedom i let myself have with it, i'm pretty happy about how it turned out. i will definitely be refining it over the next few weeks until i get to a product i'm really proud of. for now, it's disabled on mobile, so that'll be something to add, too. i think i'll add it to #ship in a few days if i'm happy with it. 🚒 thanks for all your suggestions!! :)) (and if anyone knows how to make the dark mode look less unappealing... lmk)
thank you to everyone who provided suggestions on the figma plan!! it had been a few months since i had sat down with a new web dev project and i forgot how much i love love love building websites. nothing like having a design vision come to life as an interactive media. still very rough draft - not mobile-compatible yet and layout and alignment isn't perfect, but i love where this is headed.
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www.karolina.mgdubiel.com is due for a revamp... i think i'm ready to stray away from the current style and experiment w a vibe that i love - wonky graphics meets apple-esque layout version 1 ft wonky graphics, version 2 not ft wonky graphics 😞
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wow... it's been a while... in september of 2021, i got cut from my school's volleyball team. i had been playing club volleyball for several years. i was sad, angry, mad, but mostly confused, because i had identified with volleyball so much over the last few years. that same month, in an effort to join some sort of sport, i impulsively joined cross country. i met an amazing community of people that helped making running less bad. when i returned to track in the spring, i joined both long distance and pole vault (my usual event). inspired by xc, at my local civil air patrol squadron, i founded a run club community on strava that has now amassed nearly half of our cadets. we've hosted in-person runs, ran to mt. olympus (virtually), and recently... WE GOT STICKERS! our motto is 'stridin' on', and our logo is a little cold minecraft strider, since we're PNW kids and don't know what weather over 50 degrees means. being a varsity athlete in track and field after feeling like i wasn't good at sports anymore is rewarding, but founding a swag community with STICKERS is a million times better. anyway. i missed hack club.
Studying for my AP Chem test :)) Smiling through the pain :))
New app coming soon :)) Here are two of the Figma layouts! :figma:
I finished that AP Comp Sci project! My job was to create a simulation of animals that move around and infect each other. It was more fun than I expected, and I managed to finish it in 2 hours even though it was supposed to take about a week. :hyperfastparrot:
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My only symptom from the second dose was crying for too many hours after getting a haircut. In retrospect, it wasn't about the haircut, I was just tired and also needed a reason to cry. AP exams haha am I rightttttt :ultrafastparrot: I have an insanely busy day today, including a CS project whose instructions are 6 pages long. We had a week to do it and it's due today at midnight. I haven't started. I'm going to try to find time to read today, which usually fixes a few things mentally. Anything by Neil deGrasse Tyson is my favorite.
Life updates! I customized my Scrapbook profile yesterday: scrapbook.hackclub.com/lola Track season started, which means it's time to hurl myself over a pole using a long stick. It also means that my entire body is in excruciating pain. If I don't look like The Rock by our last meet, I will be asking for a refund. :buffdoge: In other news - I'm fully vaccinated! :))
It's week 3 (I think) for me in Qoom's Creator Group Spring Cohort! For my Qoom project, I'm creating Partix, a visual representation of micro-particle pollution levels worldwide. I touched up the particle animation today, and this week I'll work on adding a dropdown to choose a city, as well as to start building a database of cities and pollution levels. Keep up with my progress at: karolina.qoom.space/~/partix
Already posted about this on #ship but wanted to add it to my scrapbook as well! The website is DONE - for now! It has changed a huge amount since the original concept, and I really love how it turned out. I started by just slapping elements and colors onto the page and played around with them for a few days until I came to the final version. Thank you for all your kind words and for following along with me! This was a super fun project and I'm excited to see it develop over the years. πŸ‘Ύ www.karolina.mgdubiel.com
Taking a break from my website - I stared at it for so long that I stopped liking it, so I'm going to come back to it soon while I brainstorm ideas for how to finish it. Meanwhile, I worked on nonprofit stuff today, focusing on planning our workshops for the next sixth months. Planned workshops include: β€’ How To Get Your Pilot's License β€’ Astrophysics 101 β€’ Q&A with a NASA Astronaut I've also been staying busy planning Instagram takeovers, the first of which happened today! It was a ton of work but totally worth it. Looking forward to where we'll be a year from now! Also - follow us on Insta - @girlsinaerospace and www.girlsinaerospace.org :spaceduck:
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Light and dark mode screenshots of the "completed" gallery view - I made the images a little smaller (2x4 instead of 4x6) and added a webkit hover animation. I think the font and color scheme look great on light mode, but I'm not loving the green and black clash on the gallery cards in dark mode. I'll work on fixing that today, as well as adding some more content and a footer. Also - the button changes from a moon to a sun and I just think it's the cutest thing ever.
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Website saga continues: I continued adding content today, focusing on a 4-card gallery layout, from which I took heavy inspo (aka literally tried to copy as closely as I possibly could figure out how to) from Lachlan's website. It's still not quite as nice as theirs, but I'll try to add some nicer shadows and smoother hover effects soon. But, it is RESPONSIVE, including on mobile! All-in-all, it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. The cards are just blocks with an image that takes up a set amount, then a caption. Padding and margins keep it looking clean on every screen size.
My website idea has already changed a ton, but I love it. Here's my progress from the past 24 hrs in light and dark mode! I've laid out most of the basic design and color palette that I want to use. My next steps will be to set some constraints to make it look great on all screen sizes, adding the rest of the content, and making a mobile version! :)) :hackclub:
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My problem is this: I change my mind. I'm always juggling millions of ideas, Pinterest boards, program ideas, homework assignments... I live in a jumble of words in my mind. I borrow personalities, words, phrases - I take inspiration to make up for the fact that I'm too burned out to create my own, too overwhelmed to assign a simple 'yes' and 'no' to what I like and don't like. Currently, I have seven (7) personal websites, and only one is finished. They're all half made, with different fonts, ideas, colors, aesthetics; different snip-its of the people who were in my life at the time that I made it. Last night, I wondered why I was struggling so much with picking a theme for my website and sticking to it. I want my website to represent me: to be the corner of the internet where I show what's important to me. I want it to be a visualization of my values written in code, and with that changing so often... it's hard. I know that this feeling isn't foreign to many people my age, and I've recognized that the issue was that I was making websites to reflect who I wish I was, not who I am. It may just be a personal website, but to me, it's also a reflection of self-acceptance and understanding. I'm back on Scrapbook to get my life together, and for Day 0 (v2), I decided to create a moodboard for my new website. An array of fonts, colors, ideas, emojis - we'll sort them out later, we'll stick to them, and we'll make our own corner of the Internet. I highly doubt that my final website will look anything like this, and that's ok. We'll get there eventually.
Day 6 - Worked on some Google SEO for my website! SEO still confuses me slightly, since my page shows up as the first result on Edge but all the way on the third page of Google results. The whole concept is very new to me, so I'm learning through trial and error. I also finally got around to making a final commit of my completed (as of now) site - github.com/dubiels/personal-website :github: My website is at www.karolina.mgdubiel.com - let me know if you have any suggestions for it! I'm hosting subdomains on it as well so that I can practice some other HTML concepts without wrecking the main page.
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Day 5 - I worked on graphic design for the first edition of the Girls in Aerospace Magazine! It's been so awesome to work with a team of girls around the world to put together this magazine. I'm super excited as we get closer to the release date; it's a lot of work to coordinate with people all around the world but it'll be worth it for the final product. Official publication is on Dec 31, 2020, so only 17 days to go! Super super nervous + pumped 🌟
Day 4 - I published my first article on Medium! It's about what evidence of humanity may be discoverable by other intelligent life forms, and what remnants of our civilization will define us after we're gone. You can read the article here! πŸ‘½
Day 3 - Participated in Round 2 of the CyberPatriot XIII competition. Out of 2186, my team is currently 402nd (top 17%) nationwide, and around 45th place nationwide in the All-Service division, and well as 2nd in WA state All-Service. Learn more about the CyberPatriot competition here if you're interested! This round's machines: :linux: Linux Ubuntu 16.04 :windows10-windows-10-logo: Windows 10 :windows: Server 2016 as well as the Cisco Networking Security Challenge. Next round will include a Debian 9 machine, our current scores will hopefully qualify us for Platinum!
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Day 2 - two different projects that I worked on today: πŸ“² LTEz (iOS app) - cleaned up my code a bit and fixed some bugs that I had currently. I’m struggling with having location services work on the app, but have a plan in place to continue to build an app in a way that will hopefully fix those issues. Tomorrow, I plan to set up CoreData so that I can start storing the user’s home locations permanently. :firefox-nightly: Personal Website - a few nights ago, I decided I wanted to build my own website from scratch. I had never worked with HTML, Java, or CSS before, but worked with trial and error and ended up getting a full site set up in 26 hours. Today, I cleaned up some of the animations and made some finishing touches. You can view the completed website here. Next steps will be to clean up the mobile version.
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Day 1: I've been working on a mobile iOS app for the past few months and have decided to start documenting it on Scrapbook. To see a summary of what the app can do for you, click here to visit my (unfinished) personal webpage and scroll down to the Projects section. Here's an early prototype of how the landing page of the app may look, stay tuned to watch me struggle to remember to post regular updates 😎