:shooting_pepe_cowboy: HOWDY Y’ALL! YEE HAW! HEARD YOUSE FOLKS LIKE GRAPHS AND NERD SHIT! … that’s enough of that. We occasionally like looking at channel activity. Unfortunately, Slack’s official stats page SUCKS. Poor @KaraMassie has been, like, manually putting stuff into a spreadsheet every week for months. So. I built her a nice little webapp to see weekly stats in a much improved form factor! Always fun making things from scratch :) And since this stuff is cool to look at and helpful for everyone, it’s public and open to contributions -> slack-stats.hackclub.dev
day 2… didn’t get as much time in as i would’ve liked because was busy until late, but set up an api project in phoenix and played around a bit.
day 1/10 of ~hardware~ software party! learned a lot of elixir, including that it’s a slightly insane language and will render lists of numbers <127 as strings. finished some prompt engineering improvements and now all my tests are passing.
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gonna share here because i’m somewhat proud of myself actually… built a fully custom graphviz thingy yesterday! the implementation is really, really clean and i’m super happy with it! :))) it’s like. performant. and really flexible. renders dags that can have references, and you can for example double click on the dashed links to tree-ify the references (and reverse that too) with their own saved state. and a bunch of other nifty things
Spent the last couple days cleaning up my room and giving away books and clothes that I'll never read or use. It feels a lot nicer, despite still being horrible! It's insane how much stuff I had hidden away. So many hundreds of books... I found a comic I made as a kid :>
progress with a map editor for gamelab… can now parse sprites from the code. still have to, like, actually write the editor bit, but this is good progress! (although while writing this i realized that ced is actually right and there’s a better way with hopefully fewer edge cases.) *wow, look at this, two scrapbook posts in one day. should’ve done the electrical engineering one like two days earlier but i kept forgetting.
"what the fuck is that soldering job?" "what are you using 10 watt resistors for?" well, you see, i like loud noises and electrical engineering. (despite sucking at it. but i didn't kill myself!) pro tip: no better chassis for dangerous electrical projects than a tupperware box with external components gaff taped on :>
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This weekend I figured out how to make a CodeMirror 6 extension, and then made an in-editor sprite creator for the new Game Lab version we're working on! Sprites are contained in the code as special strings, so the sprite editor is populating from and then updating the code editor's content.
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I forgot to post this here so a bit late, but GOT STICKERS FROM OUR FIRST MAJOR SPONSOR!
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Played in a real IRL string quintet at a concert after a year of only online stuff!
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Made baked mac n cheese, came out alright!
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Not tech-related but damn haven't been to IKEA in a while and these meatballs are amazing.
Made a super simple tool to automate fixing up this documentation I have to take from a shittily formatted PDF and put in my Rust code, since I realized that was taking a lot of time.
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I normally fly just GA planes but decided to fly an airliner for the heck of it in MSFS. Had some fun with VR flying
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All of this and still only like 2% of ARINC424 implemented, which isn't even the final goal for this project. This'll be a fun one 😅
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First scrapbook entry, somehow! Also, woooo cursed Rust macros go brrr
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