@hack oc!@Thanks so much for the fudge!@Day 10 🎉 #10-days-in-public! Finished AoC day 8, worked on venue details for Hack OC, and continued reading the deep learning book!@Day 9 #10-days-in-public! I finished AoC day 7, worked on PID control for my FRC robot, and finished the Hack OC prizes rough draft!@Day 8 #10-days-in-public! I got Next and Tailwind running for my site and tinkered around a little, finished AoC day 8, and got started on the deep learning book!@Day 7 #10-days-in-public! Completed the day's AoC challenge, updated my gh profile readme, and worked on a command line encounter manager for d&d 5e!@Day 6 #10-days-in-public! Finished AoC day 4 and worked on some documents (mostly prizes) for Hack OC!@Day 5 of #10-days-in-public! I didn’t do much today, but I was able to complete AoC day 3 and work on setting up some servers for HackOC@Day 4 #10-days-in-public! I completed AoC day 2, started testing motors for frc, learned about system identifiction, and helped make a registration form for #epoch-ba!@Day 3 #10-days-in-public! I toured the Hack OC venue with @ian (it was fantastic) and completed AoC day 1!@Day 2 #10-days-in-public! I got started writing some basic code for FRC and practicing my Java@Day 1 of #10-days-in-public! I configured WSL for my new thinkpad and continued learning Java for FRC! I learned about Loops in Java and Swerve Drive Kinematics (I also named my desktop but didn't restart before the screenshot)@Halloween brain surgery!@Got next.js and cloudflare set up for my (first actual) website!@👀 :ticket_punched:@Got both the tickets!@I rendered something for the very first time- It's a concept starship launch tower!@Started working on steganography with opencv!@Our teams AngelHacks websites homepage@I started on a discord.py bot hosted on repl.it!