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excited for CalebConf 2021!!!
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i've playing around with graphql and seeing how far i can take codegen to get fully-typed queries/mutations/etc and i've got it to work pretty well! had to patch urql's types a little since apollo-server is weird (or maybe urql is weird) but anyway its pretty awesome
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fully typed mutations with urql codegen!
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Anirudh helped me.
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I've been struggling to put together large-ish completed projects lately so I decided to just go all out and see how much I can get done in a day-ish. I just finished up ankylos (github.com/safinsingh/ankylos) a modular bootstrapper thing for node projects. Here's what it does: 1. Grab a preset to clone from. This will be copied to whatever destination you specify via a tarball from NPM 2. run ankylos bootstrap to read from the ankylos.config.js in the preset. this tells ankylos what plugins to install and configure. for example, the next preset automatically installs and configures the 'editorconfig', 'eslint', 'github', 'husky', 'markdownlint', 'pnpm', 'prettier', 'renovate', and 'vscode' plugins. it'll also send instructions for build scripts to set, dependencies, etc. ankylos will take care of the explicit dependencies in the preset first. then, it'll install your plugins (ive made like 10 of them for convenience) and install your plugin's dependencies (these are stages 1 & 2 of the bootstrap phase) 3. ankylos prompt you for project metadata and will insert your custom build scripts along with this metadata into a fully-filled out and templated package.json file. finally, ankylos will walk through each of your plugins and apply/copy the files specifies in ankylos.config.js 4. from there, pnpm install will bump you in to your new, modular, automatically-bootstrapped, linted, formatted, <insert a bunch more buzzwords> project! i only had enough time to create a next and node preset so be sure to check those out. anyway, i'm glad i was able to follow through with this and i hope y'all like it! p.s: you can check out all 16, yes, 16 projects from the ankylos monorepo on its dedicated npm org: www.npmjs.com/org/ankylos. anyway, i'll try my best to maintain this (it's in my best interest too so thats good) if anyone else decides to use it
Placed 1st out of >2500 teams across the US for the CyberPatriot semifinals! These are preliminary results; networking scores are yet to come in
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Rewrote my GPT parser thingy implementation! I got rid of a bunch of useless dependencies that I could manually implement and it now contains zero unsafe code! The table-generating code has been rewritten to be way simpler and requires less allocations and stuff. I've also included comments in a bunch of places in case y'all are curious what certain lines do. Code is on GitHub and you can install it (assuming you have cargo) with cargo install gptinfo!
Joined the GitHub developer beta after seeing @caleb's post about joining the GitHub developer beta
yeah so this was fun
Guillermo Rauch liked my first tweet!!!!! :pizzaparrot: :pizzaparrot: :pizzaparrot: :pizzaparrot: :pizzaparrot: :pizzaparrot: :pizzaparrot: :pizzaparrot: :pizzaparrot:
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posted my first tweet! :twitter:
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Basic markdown parser working!
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Finished the basic underlying framework and commands for my @banker-like discord bot in Rust! The serenity (Discord API) and sled (embedded K/V database) crates are superb!
Getting ready for finals, haven't been able to do too much programming lately 😕
My kernel is in the works!
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Wrote a super mini argument parser!
Finally finished up the logic for my custom build language's lexer!
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A time lapse of my progress within Blender for the past couple months!
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Not too much of a difference work-wise but I was able to get and customize an HDR map to enhance the lighting!
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Playing around with some more realistic lighting in my scene!
Did some git maintaining from my phone today
Got rid of a bunch of hardcoded values, simplified configuration, and abstracted some code. I can finally start working on creating some widgets!
I did this a while ago but y'all already know we hoppin' on the trend
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Dabbling in some unsafe Rust 👀
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Got the basics of bamboo, a bar for X11, done today with the help of @eankeen!
Added some custom accessories to my Office 3D model!
Managed to stick my website into one of my 3d models 😛
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Lexer can now parse basically everything!
Been working a bit on my lexer! It's now able to be fed a raw string of Lua and parse directly from that instead of looping over lines and tokenizing. It uses (what I call) a pseudo_cursor to track the position on the current line and a regular cursor to track the position within the String (not really sure if I'll need this later but might as well keep it in just in case). As for what it can now parse, it can handle basic identifiers, like variable declarations, and booleans as well numbers, strings, whitespace, comments, and assignment operators.
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Rewrote my Lua lexer into some actually good(?) code! It can now parse whitespace, numbers and assignment operators!
Finally finished my chair and table!
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Working on some furniture with Blender!
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Some progress on the new rice!
New rice! 🍚
Completely rewrote and open sourced my portfolio website!
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Converted my site to Next.js and wrote some actually good code for once! Also, code splitting is 😍
Changed up some of the animations on my website and did a bit of a cleanup!
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For #ricing! Not much happened visually since my last rice post, I switched to Arch, dropped about 60GB of bloat, and organized a bunch of stuff dotfile-wise. Enjoy!
Put some coffee in my coffee cup!
Made a #ricing channel today!
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Making a coffee cup!
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Made some adjustments to my linux rice!
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Finally finished the donut!
Added some texture to the donut!
More donut updates!
Even more donut!
update on the donut!
Making a donut in blender!
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Published my latest ship to <http://crates.io|crates.io>!
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I'm creating a vulnerability scoring engine with Rust and now the scoring client can score vulnerabilities and talk to a remote endpoint securely!
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Doing some super cool rust stuff! I also forced myself to use vim the whole time and it was actually pretty fun!
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Okay but like what does black not go with
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Speed-riced i3wm so I can have nice colors when I Xephyr awesome 🙂
Some progress on my new awesomeWM setup!
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Finished ricing my terminal on awesomeWM! Still lots of work to do and keybinds to learn
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Trying to decipher some Lua code to set up awesomeWM
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Feels good #rapid 🙂
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Minimized my desktop
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I was inspired by @rishi to create my own CLI so I could learn more about node CLIs and just do a fun project. Check it out by running npx safin and to let me know what you think!
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A factory reset, 5 disk wipes, 3 failed installations, and a network boot later...
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Finally figured out what a PseudoBox does!
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Creating a Discord bot with my friends for competitive programming!
Finally got A++ on GitHub stats!
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Set up Arch Linux on my phone today
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Learning more about C++ and competitive programming!
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Nothing too crazy happened today; I just added George Hotz to my Linkedin network...
Organized my home screen!
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Learning more about Rust!
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Did some super awesome design work on Figma with @rishi today!
Working on my next golang project using cobra!
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So I decided to re-rice my desktop...
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Learnt C++ and solved my first Codeforces problem!
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Learned about Storybook.js and Atomic Design today!
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So I installed vim and go on my Android phone...
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One-day project: built a fully-functioning todo list web app with React, Chakra UI, and Firebase to learn more about them
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