FUDGE!! i finished this whole thing in about 5 seconds. SO GOOD!!!
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i found an old raspberry pi 4, and got tinyllama running locally on it with ollama!
GOOD AFTERNOON EVERYONE! MERRY SUNDAY!! let me tell a bit of a story. it was yesterday afternoon, and @zoyashussain reminded me that the swift student challenge submission date was tomorrow (thank you zoya!!!!) so, i scrambled to make an app! enter MOL!! mol is a mini app on your iphone and apple watch that lets you view the elements of the periodic table and all of their properties! 🧪 :table: 🧑‍💻 mol ios: github.com/tobyab/ssc24 📱 mol watchos (my favourite mol): github.com/tobyab/mol ⌚ (i'll combine the repos at some point) it's not on the app store (yet!), since i don't have an apple developer account. but do clone the repos and run them on your devices if you wanna give it a whirl! pls enjoy! thank you for reading!!! 💖 (p.s, i don't understand chemistry, so none of this made sense to me either :P)
GOOD AFTERNOON EVERYONE! MERRY SUNDAY!! let me tell a bit of a story. it was yesterday afternoon, and @zoyashussain reminded me that the swift student challenge submission date was tomorrow (thank you zoya!!!!) so, i scrambled to make an app! enter MOL!! mol is a mini app on your iphone and apple watch that lets you view the elements of the periodic table and all of their properties! 🧪 :table: 🧑‍💻 mol ios: github.com/tobyab/ssc24 📱 mol watchos (my favourite mol): github.com/tobyab/mol ⌚ (i'll combine the repos at some point) it's not on the app store (yet!), since i don't have an apple developer account. but do clone the repos and run them on your devices if you wanna give it a whirl! pls enjoy! thank you for reading!!! 💖 (p.s, i don't understand chemistry, so none of this made sense to me either :P)
day 10 of #10-days-in-public!! in my infinite wisdom, i decided to build an apple watch app for a competition that (afaik) only accepts iphone and ipad and mac apps! so, today, i'm working on making my watch app run on an iphone! wahoo :peefest:
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day 9 of #10-days-in-public!! today, i built an app for the student swift challenge. it's super late right now, so i'll ship it all tomorrow, but here's a look at it! :swift: 🧪
hey!!! day 7 of #10-days-in-public! i was super busy with school today (ugh!), and didn’t make much interesting progress on the slack sign up form. i did check out apple’s new sports app, which is super minimal, and really nice to use!! (+ here’s a picture of a recent sunset!) ⚽ 🌆
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day 6 of #10-days-in-public!! hey everyone! today, i worked more on the sign up form, and makin' it harder for adults to join! now, all you need is your birth year!! the form looks super duper funky right now, so i'll work a bit more on making it prettier! :slack: :10daysinpublic: p.s: here's a picture of my dog, pepper! she's had a very long day of waiting for her dinner. 🐶
day 5 of #10-days-in-public!!! hey everyone! today i did some work on keeping adults outta the slack (sorry adults!), and i am currently sit with some candles lit, and feel v cozy. merry monday everyone! 🕯️ :10daysinpublic:
day 3 of #10-days-in-public!! hello from room 404 in a hotel in salzburg! today was my last day skiing, and it was a blast! it was quite rainy, which was a shame, but the resort was almost empty! ⛷️ :10daysinpublic:
day 2 of #10-days-in-public!! hello, hello!!! today in toby's skiing tomfoolery, i went higher up the mountain! here's a panoramic shot i got of the mountain!
day 1 of #10-days-in-public! hey everyone! i'm learning to ski! here's my first proper attempt + some mountains!
good afternoon, and happy thursday!! lately, i've been working on redesigning the newsletter sign up section on hack club's landing page! today, i've been working on getting data fetching working, so no one has to worry about manually updating the issues! (github's api is not a fun time if you're trying to fetch a file's content!)
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i made this in dt today! woodworking is hard...
just finished building my younger brother’s computer!
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hey everyone!! for the past few hours, i've been learning swiftui! after following a tutorial, here's what i've made!
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i made some pizza!
thank you so much hq!!!! 💖
hey everyone!! here's my update for day 10 of #10-days-in-public! today, i implemented the mockup i made in figma yesterday! later on, i'm going to try and make the emoji reactions interactive (maybe some confetti!) :D
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here's my update for day 9 of #10-days-in-public!! today, i decided that grooovy's landing page needing a bit of a redo, so i decided to make a quick mockup in figma!
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hey everyone! here's my update for day 8 of #10-days-in-public! sadly, i didn't have much time to work on grooovy today since i was up in central london, but i did do a tiny bit of work on it in cs club after school! (also, here's a picture i took of st paul's cathedral!)
hey everyone! here's my update for day 7 of #10-days-in-public! today i worked on turning my update from day 6 into a live website! i also completed day 4 of advent of code! :aoc:
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hey everyone!! here's my update for day 6 of #10-days-in-public! today i made a mockup of my 2022 year in review webpage! it was very much inspired by apple's product over view sort thingy, and i hope you like it! :D
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hey everyone!! here's my update for day 5 of #10-days-in-public! today, i worked a bit more on grooovy's api, and completed day two of advent of code! i also played around with chatGPT a bit more :D
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hey everyone!! here's my update for day 4 of #10-days-in-public! today, i didn't have enough time to work on grooovy, however i did complete day 1 of advent of code!
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heyy everyone!! here's my update for day 3 of #10-days-in-public!! today, i worked a bit on the api, and started using next.js' dynamic api routing! i'll post a video update when i get it finished :D (p.s, i was messing around with stable diffusion 2, and here's one of the images it generated!) (and one more thing - here are some of the highlights from my apple music replay!)
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heyy everyone!! here's my update for day two of #10-days-in-public! today, i actually got a bit of a backend working for grooovy! here's a quick screenshot of what it looks like! :D
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hellooo everyone!! here's my update for the first day of #10-days-in-public! i'm building this thing called grooovy, which if i'm entirely honestly, i still don't really know what it's going to become!
went to the raspberry pi popup shop in london today!
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hey everyone! here's my update for the final day of #10-days-in-public! today, i've been working on the ability to save notes to local storage (which, as of right now is sort of half working!) but, i should hopefully be able to get it working at some point soon! :D
hey everyone! here's my update for day 9 of #10-days-in-public! sadly, today i didn't have enough time to code. however, i did quickly make this mockup of what tilde's landing page will hopefully look like at some point!
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hey everyone! here's my update fro day 9 of #10-days-in-public! today, i didn't have enough time to write any code- however, i did quite quickly make this mockup for what tilde's landing page may look like at some point!
hey everyone! here's my update for day 8 of #10-days-in-public! i've made a bit of progress on saving items to local storage, and exporting to pdf today- however, i haven't quite finished yet. one thing i have finished is the ui! so, here it is! :D
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day 7 of #10-days-in-public! because i felt unwell, i was off school today, so i had a lot of time to work on tilde! i worked on making the ui look better, and added a few other features that i thought would be nice! i also slowly started working on the ability to save, and edit other markdown files. tomorrow, i'll try to finish saving and editing files, and i'll fix some small ui bugs!
hey everyone! here's my update for day 6 of #10-days-in-public! today, i updated some of the styling, and added the ability to do maths! tomorrow, i'll try to add syntax highlighting, and maybe the ability to save notes in local storage!
hey everyone! here's my update for day 5 of #10-days-in-public! i've just arrived back from wales, and very quickly added the ability to switch between an editing and a preview state. tomorrow, i'll work on making it look a bit fancier! :D
here's my update for day 4 of #10-days-in-public! i very quickly made a landing page for tilde using next.js and tailwind. here's a link to the github repo: github.com/developedbytoby/tilde-site!
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hey, everyone! here’s my update for day 3 of #10-days-in-public! today, and for the rest of the weekend, i’m in wales, so i won’t get much coding done- however, here’s a very quick mock-up i made for what tilde’s website may look like using figma! (also, here’s a bonus picture of the original concept i made using my ipad on a bumpy road!)
here's my update for day 2 of #10-days-in-public! i've got quite a lot done today, and here's a screenshot of how tilde's looking right now! :D
day 1 of #10-days-in-public! today i was working on building the ability to write and view code in tilde using a cool package called codemirror! :D
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very excited to be going to calebconf :caleb:
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Just hit 1K github contributions! This is mainly part to everyone here motiving me to carry on! Thank you so so so much! :)
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700 contributions!!
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Another github milestone! 600!
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saw this today lol
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just hit 500 github contributions!
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currently making pesto pasta, my plans to take over all the restaurants in the world is now afoot
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today I went to London and I got an epic chef hat
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so today i spent most my day having fun on facebook!
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Just reached 400 github contributions!
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I’ve started designing a sign up page, I’ve never done one before! It looks ok so far…
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didn’t do much programming today but I made this, thoughts?
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I decided to make some changes to my setup, wish me luck…
I’ve started mocking up a landing page for a project me and my cousin are doing!
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I didn’t do much programming today, the only thing I really did was made this gradient for my company website (and yes the “what is skapakitt” isn’t going to stay there)
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I was bored, so I made this with css and html
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just lost my 430 day duolingo streak :(
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I bought a mini book!
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