lol I’m horrifically behind but for winter hardware wonderland today I got my moisture sensor working and spewing data over serial (with one of my leaps!)! It’s pretty damn cool
I had a fun time today hooking my board up to HomeKit—ended up using a significantly easier way, but I learned a little too much about HomeKit along the way.
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Fun first day! I got started and connected up my air quality sensor (which even has a tiny little fan in it; it’s really cool) with my ESP32 and made it spit out data in serial. I had some adventures with BLE and Wifi but now those adventures seem best for another day.
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Ayo, the popover works!
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The little app works! (it’s pretty handy)
Had a big dress rehearsal thing for the concert on friday, no pictures though :sad-yeehaw: Anyways I’ve been practicing this chart a lot--it’s really fun!
Another day of #10-days-in-public today was back to school, I cleaned up our robotics shop a bit and fixed the hooks, now they’re moving smoothly
#10-days-in-public update before I fully crash from the coffee and Fanta. Second day of the frc comp was super fun, we finished 7th out of 31 teams and were the 5th seed alliance captains! In the end we forced a tiebreaker match. :first:
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Another day of #10-days-in-public (I’ve lost count lol)! First day of the robotics competition, was pretty fun! :first:
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Day 3 of #10-days-in-public! I practiced for like 3 hours and changed the strings on my guitar—the old ones were getting pretty crusty
day 2 #10-days-in-public—Finished up some final details before our offseason comp this weekend. Things are picking up and getting a bit more stressful but I’m excited for this weekend!
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Day 1 of #10-days-in-public! Halp I’m a penguin 🐧
Vandalized Seattle a bit
Got my tape from a stickermule promo!
Our checked bag finally came with the best souvenir: an authentic, used cow bell!
Lfg :lets-fucking-gooo: :ultrafastparrot:
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:lefthand: New Ship Time :righthand: Our world is full of nasty things. Obviously, I’m talking about Keyloggers. From stealing your special numbers and oh so special search terms to making popping and mooing sounds while you type, the world is a very scary place :eye_real:. Worry no more! With Axe you can cut down those keylog(gers)! Just 1 simple click and your oh so precious search terms will be protection ~with the low price of $5 a week.~ (👉Remember: always use protection!👈). Turn on Secure Input and Turn off Secure input with a single click: too easy! You can even right click and set some amazing preferences, for ultimate security™. And, if you every get stuck, an embedded apple help book and my world class tech support is here to help: linus.link/tech-support (It’s also sandboxed, notarized, code signed, sparkle signature signed, resourceless, hardened runtimed, and updatabled for maximum security) SO: WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Download now (and give me fake internet points ⭐️): github.com/LinusS1/Axe
Last night I hacked this together at @pranav’s hackwa hackathon in about 40 minutes: CharlieQuotes! It features python and rate limiting of the slack api and quotes and html in long python strings! (Shoutout to pranav for making such a fun event!). Source code is attached :charliepog:
JB1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ratguitar:
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Had my final jazz concert for the year!
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Wow this weekend has been really fun
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@tetraoxygen and I Finished the code side of things for the alpha alpha, couldn't finish deploying though :allotrope:
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:old-man-yells-at-cloud: Assembly :true: Done
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New day, new domains
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Made some hot sauce
🧠 Have you ever meant to reread an email before sending it but then forgot and just sent it anyways? 🍗 Now with Checkpoint you don’t have to worry about it! 🎄 Checkpoint is an extension for Apple Mail that reminds you to reread your emails. Just click a button (or check a box to do it for all emails) and you’ll be on your way! 🚨 Mail started supporting official extensions with macOS Monterey meaning this does not inject stuff into mail and is officially supported! 👁️ The code is pretty messy, it’ll be cleaned up “in the future” (This goes with codejelly's themes of amnesia and reflection) Download it from GitHub: <https://github.com/LinusS1/Checkpoint> or here (in the thread so scrappy doesn't get mad)
Look mom, I created a Keylogger!!1!!
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I got oauth working on my GitHub app!
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heyo! It feels good to be back
I enabled exposure notifications on my phone today!
Vamos a “Resolution Center” :appleinc:
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I’m supporting my local businesses! :starbucks:
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Installer package is complete, now I'm just waiting that special installer certificate, then I can ship! 🚢
I got the DMG file working! Only one more to go: the Installer package
I banged my head against the wall for this, but I finished the "help" book for Tech Support!
I got printing working with my Tech Support app!
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I shipped a tech support app!
Will buy organs! A cheap, easy, and fast way to make money! Plus #vaccinedebate (/s)
I'm writing some HN docs right now, it's pretty entertaining lol
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Last weekend I went climbing! It was pretty cold, but I survived! 🧗‍♂️🥶❄️
Woah this is cool, it's super easy to make a a simple text editor in iOS, it has bolding and and underlining and italics and has support for images!
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So far this is the best pull request of my life
Here’s the computer that I use for school
I had a debate in #apple
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Ugh, I feel like giving up my streaks: it feels like it's becoming a chore. :sad_pepe:
Today I had fun with all the instruments Xcode provides
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@linus received stickers from @lachlanjc - thanks so much, I love the nasa sticker 💖
Did some more work with Rudolph 👁️ :eye2:
Currently waiting for Heroku to build my swift app ⏳ :boredparrot:
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Well I was going through some old cruft on one of my drive and I found this, the last project I did out of Apple's Swift course, which means that I've been doing swift for over a year now! :swift: :yay: :boomer:
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Almost forgot to post today
I’m working on Rudolph more, it’s fun to build a server in :swift: with :vapor:
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I'm deploying my swift app to Heroku, which was cool (first time I used Heroku, cool)! Special thanks to @sarthak for doing quite a bit of it (like all it) 👁️
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Look at all my dependencies 😎
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Haha thanks 2020- giant Asian hornets going into their slaughter phase in Washington.
So... not my work, but an article my mom wrote for Scientific American is currently #5 on hacker news! :ultrafastparrot: ✍️
Apple didn't like my binary :sad_pepe:
Someone also screwed up at apple with the resolution of this Xcode
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Building a very big Xcode project
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Messing around with vapor :vapor: in swift! :swift:
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More poking around the BiometricKitUI private framework...
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I disassembled the Tourist framework - it's the annoying little notification that pops up whenever you update to the newest OS. It has some more things going on though than just sending a notification, which I can't figure out.
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Dissassembling private apple frameworks - join #linus ~and subscribe~
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Disassembling apps: it's pretty fun
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I took a nice walk in the rain in the park near my house. I also got into the Apple Schoolwork TestFlight.
I found this cool server side Swift thing: SwiftUI but for slack block kit!
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Adding screenshots to my workshop in Python and using Turtle! 🐢 :python:
I totally forgot I had these AWS credits until today :sadparrot:
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:yay: After 1 week and 1 day of horrid air quality, I can finally go outside my house again!
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I'm screwing around with Swift WebAssembly
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Just pushed a new build of NoteThis out :yay: Beta Xcodes kept me from pushing updates over the beta season, but now it feels good to push a new build out even if it's the exact same thing lol. I also gave Theo and Saharsh the spotlight in the release notes.
I didn't do anything interesting today besides school, so here's a picture of some water.
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Downloading the GM of Xcode
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Ha. Apple releasing iOS 14 tomorrow, and releasing the GM today, and sending me an email about it. :grimace-samsung: ~Time Flies~
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Starting the school year off well :dabbing:
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Starting the school year off well :dabbing:
I messed around with Core Data and CloudKit more today.
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Woohoo! :yay: Today I played with Core Data and CloudKit! In the end I was able to setup an app that uses core data to store the information (dates) and syncs it across 3 simulators, my iPhone, and the CloudKit Dashboard!
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Look, my city is the first loser! :yay: /s
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It’s Smokey!
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You’d think they’d already figure things like this out lol.
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Working on my CDN app!
Harvested honey from the bees today 🐝 🍯
Welp, second day of school, and some winds brought in some wildfire smoke.
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I'm making hcor, the core part of hackagotchi available in Swift. Here's how I'm kind of doing it.
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Changed the desktop picture, Now it feels "fresh".
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Got my Mac repaired at the Apple Store
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Ah yes, the district didn’t realize how much traffic would be going through their vpn for district issued laptops, so it brought the infrastructure down.
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Last day of summer vacation for me! :summer-of-making: :wom: Here's my streak so far, I hope to keep it going. It's been pretty fun, I got a lot done, and I went climbing more than I thought due to covid.
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Started to learn about websockets in Swift today.
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Decoding JSON in Swift for GotchiKit!
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I'm learning about aws lambda.
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Grr... I had to schedule a genius bar appointment for my keyboard.s
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And hey, would you look at that, it's notarized! ~Turns out running to the press is the best solution~
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Waiting for Apple to notarize a Scrapple update!
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Decoding scrappy api data! ~How fun~
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Squishing some bugs
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Streak check!
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It’s coming :yay:
Today I went climbing! It was fun to be out again!
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Working more on NoteThis and refactoring the heck out of it.
Finished a huge math final exam that I'm not allowed to take a picture of, so here are my emails.
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Getting back into NoteThis development
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Got my first som package out of 3 ( or 4 idk)
Making dinner
Hacking around with some private apis in macOS!
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Playing guitar preparing for jazz band in a few weeks
Doing some more work with scrapple
I finally submitted my som list
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I think all documentation should be written this way! 😆 (Shoutout to @ced for writing it)
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I went on a bike ride today- it used to be a rail road.
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Today, @rishi yelled at me (for a very good reason, but we don't talk about that 👀)
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Look what I got!
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I had to go searching around for awhile because I couldn't figure out how to open a new OS X window in SwiftUI.
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I totally forgot that when I store something in the keychain, I also need to get it back out.
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I'm working on notarizing my app, it's interesting.
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Code signing is so much fun /s
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I'm doing some more with sparkle and app signing and notarization.
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I'm learning about Sparkle to auto update my app.
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Gotta love it when not even the compiler can tell you what's wrong.
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I'm pretty high up there...
@kenmueller0’s website is creepy: at least safari blocks it.
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I had some fun today with getting my scrappy SwiftUI app to get the slack oauth token to be able to post scrappy updates! It was involved with a lot of moving parts - I had open the default browser, get the auth code back from slack using deep links and had to exchange that for an oauth token, without exposing my client secret (so I couldn't put the secret in the app), then finally putting it in the user's macOS keychain for safe keeping!
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Why hello, notifications! (This took a bit more effort because dealing with AppKit First responder stuff is annoying)
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Here's a sneek preview of what the scrappy menu bar app looks like. This may or may not of come from it. 😉
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I'm working on an app that lets you post scrapbook updates right from your menu bar!
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I’m cooking some dinner for my family tonight.
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I made my own checkmark toggle style in SwiftUI because apple couldn't be bothered to make one.
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I'm watching the tech CEO hearing. It's funny sometimes watching them ask CEOs for tech support.
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Did some work in our bee hives today... LOTS of bees 🐝, there’s probably over 40,000 bees in each hive this time of year.
More progress on the hackagotchi iOS app! Now the hexagons can move into different formations! Now there's 2 pressing questions we need to ask @ced : api ready when? and standalone client when?
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Making the hackagotchi ios app
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No coding yet today. I had to finish some math I procrastinated on.
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Debugging some SwiftUI views. Debugging is espcially fun when the compiler can't tell you what's wrong!
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I switched to SwiftUI’s automatic keyboard avoidance.
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Learned a bit more about the updates in SwiftUI this year. This one is cool: keyboard avoidence, so when the keyboard comes up, users can still see the content.
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Today I added in Deep Linking into my Notes App. It was surprisingly easy to do. Now you are able to click a link, and the app will open to that specified note!
I made some "pop" art in art in the dark!
I customized my terminal with p10k! Very cool!
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Here’s the view from the top of a climb I did today!
I'm going to embed the color picker in NoteThis in to Dark Matter.
Doing some learning about storage with my notes app. Especially with NSAttributedString.
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Working on some stuff with Softbank...
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More CloudKit stuff today. Nothing syncing... yet.
Working on CloudKit for my Notes App.
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Dark Matter Widget for macOS? Hmmm...
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I really need to organize my desk lol
Organized some of my climbing gear today.
Filling out app information even though the app won't be released in months.
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I uploaded a build to App Store Connect. Still waiting on Apple to approve it for beta testing though.
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I made another @rishi emoji! :ricey2: The lineup: 🍚 :ricey: 🎑 🍙 🍘 🌾 :ricey2:
I spent time debugging with the slack api
I'm working on way to mass select notes, ~so you can kill them all with one tap~
I updated Xcode to the newest beta. ~(What an adventure lol)~
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Made a alert to confirm deletion of a note.
I closed quite a few issues for my note app. I also emptied the trash
I made a custom progress bar in pure SwiftUI! I maybe added too many effects? maybe?
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Going home. I saw some chainsaw statues.
I made a camp fire! But I’m too lazy to take a picture so here’s a random stock image I found of a fire. Heheh
Moved to a new camp site on the Olympic peninsula in Washington. On the other side you can see Canada! (👋 @ricey )
Went on a hike, saw a cool tipped over tree
My tent 🏕️
I’m going on a trip this week so I won’t be around much. If you want to contact me you should probably dm me, so I notice. I’m going to try to keep my streak. Here’s some photos of me getting on the ferry and the view from the ferry. The buoys in the third photo is part of a scuba driving scavenger hunt: they sunk some stuff like old boats and you can go exploring (I don’t I just know that you can.)
Learning how to build a custom scene in SwiftUI.
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More iOS dev
Yesterday I went climbing, today my friend finally sent me some pictures lol.
Went climbing today, so not much coding/watching wwdc sessions. I was however looking at the new apple sf symbols today and found... 🥁 Xserve!
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With the new SwiftUI I’m able to set the scroll position. This makes the color picker a lot better.
I'm submitting radars to apple, lots more to come.
Since updating my whole swiftui app to iOS 14 stuff. I've been able to make some really fun animations! Here's a little look.
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I shipped this, but... I made a new app for iOS 14! It's called dark matter and lets you have space in your home screen!
Me learning about widgets in ios
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Here’s the new design for my app NoteThis. I’m much more happier with it.
A new way to edit the notes. I don’t really like it, and I’m changing now lol
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For all of you that haven't been promoted: My Notes app got accepted for TestFlight! It's super duper simple, but there's more to come (with AI 👀 ) I've attached a preview, and here's the link: testflight.apple.com/join/c6TobIvG If you do install it, let me know! :yay:
More on my notes app
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Submitting app for beta review!
Here’s what I’ve been working on. It’s a note taking app!
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